Blue Out, 2012 A mallorca sweet roll in Puerto Rico, 2011 Skee Ball, 2013 Dancing with Michaela and Rebecca, 2013 Handlebar Moustache, 2012 Beaver Stadium during the Blue Out, 2012 Blue Out on ABC News, 2011 Learning how to dance, 2010 Blue Out video shoot, 2012 Flying first class, 2013 Halloween as Rosie the Riveter, 2012 Penn State graduation, 2013 Ringpop proposal, 2013 With Phyliss and Steve at Bill and Diana’s wedding, 2011 Near Stuart’s East Village apartment, 2010 Blue Out promotions, 2012 Pittsburgh’s Incline Plane, 2011 Congressional Night at the Smithsonian, 2013 Stuart, Lauren, Laura, Phyliss, and Steven at the White House, 2013 Faces of Penn State banners in the HUB, 2013 Peter and Allie’s Wedding, 2013 Amie and Brian’s wedding, 2010 Kansas City Art Museum during Allie and Peter’s Wedding, 2013 Blue/White football game, 2012 Matt and Ben’s wedding, 2012 Laura, Stuart, and Lynn, 2012 Spring break 2011 in the Puerto Rican rainforest Tubing in Raystown Lake, 2012 Penn State graduation, 2013 Potomac River, 2013 Laura’s Gem Sweater Birthday Party with Katie and Uly, 2010 Iceland, 2013